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cbat ruined my fucking life. ive had this fucking song stuck in my head for the past 4 days i cant take it anymore. my little sister cbatposts every day and talks about nothing but that god forsaken song and that stupid reddit story over and over for HOURS. i can’t live a single day without hearing about that fucking song or hearing the words “2 YEARS” or “TODAY I FUCKED UP” looping in my fucking head like the brain worm episode of spongebob. whenever i try to bond with my family all i can hear in my fucking head is cbat melting my brain into a pulp until i release a primal ape rage against anything and everything. i cant fucking take this anymore.

2024-04-27 12:06:47 UTC

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cbat ruined my fucking life. ive had this fucking song stuck in my head for the past 4 days i cant take it anymore. my little sister cbatposts every day and talks about nothing but that god forsaken song and that stupid reddit story over and over for hours. i can’t live a single day without hearing about that fucking song or hearing the words “2 years” or “today i fucked up” looping in my fucking head like the brain worm episode of spongebob. whenever i try to bond with my family all i can hear in my fucking head is cbat melting my brain into a pulp until i release a primal ape rage against anything and everything. i cant fucking take this anymore.


2024-04-27 20:58:53 UTC
Cbat is life, I live at the same time as Cbat, Cbat can go to hell and bring the devil back up to heaven, Cbat can cure everyone’s depression and all their mental illnesses, Cbat can stop world hunger and all wars, Cbat can fix this world, Cbat can make climate change go away, Cbat can make all the trash in the sea and land go away, Cbat should rule all planets, Cbat is perfect, Cbat is amazing, Cbat is a masterpiece, Cbat is Cbat.