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"So, what's your Christmas wish this year?"

"Stick with you guys of course!"sonata dusk EqG,

I can't wait for Christmas! Hope my dad still will play Santa this year.

2020-07-13 00:55:20 UTC

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don’t tell me that’s supposed to be a mom and kids…💀 (kill all parents)
kill your parents
kill my parents
i killed my parents
i killed your parents
i ate my parents
i ate your parents
i hate my parents
i hate your parents


2023-11-14 13:40:47 UTC
Tags saved in case some parent supporter deletes them: don’t tell me that’s supposed to be a mom and kids…💀 (kill all parents), kill your parentskill my parents, i killed my parents, i killed your parents, i ate my parents, i ate your parents, i hate my parents, i hate your parents
2023-11-14 13:41:20 UTC
don’t tell me that’s supposed to be a mom and kids…💀 (kill all parents), kill your parents, kill my parents, i killed my parents, i killed your parents, i ate my parents, i ate your parents, i hate my parents, i hate your parents