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Got bored with Photoshop. Used the pony model from the mobil game and obviously a screenshot from pokemon go

2020-07-06 06:16:25 UTC

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2023-12-10 09:22:16 UTC
I was sleeping peacefully, when I woke up I just straight up saw shit! A girl cuddled around my right completely exposed only a bra and a panty, "What the hells goin on!!!" That's the most normal reaction. I shake her, "Wake up bich! Who are you?!" I shake her more, "I am warning you bich! I want everything in details, who the FUCK are you?!" "Wtf?! Why is there... white liquid?! Wheres my pants... oh no, is it...." (FUCK, did we end up sex? Is she pregnant?! My pelvis, is.... soar, ah shit, something happened!) "AGH! Answer me bich!"