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I just learned early this morning that a good friend, and a long time commissioner Cobalt, Koobikitsune… Justin, passed away not too long ago

Cobalt helped me out in a lot of tough times, giving me commissions when I needed them most or wanting to expand on ideas I had presented before.

He paid for probably the comic I am most known for, seeing as I am still asked about it every other week, First Times and Tan Lines. Sadly that never got finished, I got tired of it and also felt it wasn't turning out very well, and he understood, didn't send the final payment for the rest of the pages… I wish I had finished it now that hes gone.

He always got big commissions, whether very big comics, multiple images for a story, animations, or just lots of characters interacting. Always because he wanted to help other artists out in the end, I know a lot of artists that knew him as well and they always said great things about him.

Cobalt was even responsible for the recent Spike mouse pad, it was his suggestion for having a butt hole visible, and that turned out to be the best seller and most requested. Sadly, I don't think it got to him in time. He probably never even got to hold it. A lot of my great ideas and popular content is thanks to him, and it made me very sad I'll never get to properly thank him.

Personally, he confided in me a lot early on. He's probably in a better place now, though I hope he knows that a lot of people will miss him, and wish he was still here.

Rest in Peace Justin, goodbye my friend.

2020-07-07 06:06:29 UTC

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canon x oc
not trixie
justin blum
rest in peace
