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2020-06-26 05:21:15 UTC

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we want a future where creating biological children is no longer an expectation a norm or something most people casually do without putting substantial thought and investigation into. we want a future where those who have the desire and means to care for others than themselves decide to prioritize taking care of and supporting deprived humans and other animals who already exist. we want a future where those who choose to live a childfree lifestyle are able to easily do so and are not stigmatized attacked or questioned for their morally neutral choice to not create new humans.


2020-06-26 05:40:16 UTC
Ah, yes. Certainly funny. Gotta love the mental hoops they had t' jump through.
2020-06-26 08:16:21 UTC
Glad that rainbooru allows both
2020-06-26 21:19:28 UTC
Derpimod: We will not inject politic into the general site. Fascist mob: ACAB REEEEEE IF YOU DONT AGREE WITH OUR VIOLENCE THEN U R RAYCIST!!! Derpimod: Quick we must make a politic statement so we aint raycist. User: But aren't you neutral? Derpimod: Everything politic, SHUT UP RAYCIST REEEEEEEEE The atlantic: REEEEEE brony nahtzee problem REEEE Derpimod: Shit Fuck, we must pointlessly censor the bad so we aint nahtzeee User: But there is a clear bias, this is pointless, you are still allowing things that are just as abhorent, and- Derpimod: Shut up nahtzee REEE garbage comment REEEE
2023-12-22 19:11:15 UTC
We want a future where creating biological children is no longer an expectation, a norm, or something most people casually do without putting substantial thought and investigation into. We want a future where those who have the desire and means to care for others than themselves decide to prioritize taking care of and supporting deprived humans and other animals who already exist. We want a future where those who choose to live a childfree lifestyle are able to easily do so and are not stigmatized, attacked, or questioned for their morally neutral choice to not create new humans.