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from source, album description:
"My works today

By Equestrian Urban Art Krew
Updated about 6 months ago
Taken in Trelew [October 31, 2013]

I don't know how my other works are, these are the only ones I could see these days.. Sadly some of them are irreparable, but not all of them are ruined"

from source, popular commentary:
Cameron McEwan
Anyone who tags like that over your art obviously has no understanding of the spraypaint hierarchy (maybe you don't have it over there). Basically tags are the bottom of the list, then bubble tags and complex tags, then comes stencils and then murals and the amazing works. You never spray over something that is a higher level of work then what you're doing. It's just plain wrong.
31 October 31, 2013 at 4:19pm

Ivan Michel
Unless you're making a statement. Essentially, tagging over a higher art like this is saying they have absolutely no respect for the original artist. However, in turn the tagger also has absolutely no respect within the graffiti community. They're wannabes, and everyone knows it. I'm pretty sure that the rest of the graffiti community has a lot more respect for Shinoda than they do for the tools defacing his art.
11 October 31, 2013 at 8:10pm

2020-07-07 20:04:58 UTC

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