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2020-07-02 02:21:12 UTC

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i’m going to force soarin’ to kill any parent we see (except for parents who only adopt instead of creating)
kill all parents
soarin’ gets no bitches
soarin' gets all the mares


2023-11-23 11:35:21 UTC
Stop making parents look good. They give birth only to please themselves or others and they don’t care what the kid will go through. Just because you have a good life, it doesn’t mean everyone else will too. A kid’s life doesn’t represent their mom or dad’s life. Kids aren’t smaller or younger versions of their parents. Humans should stop giving birth. Imagine having to live only to go to school, grow up, go to college, work and die all because two dumb fucking assholes wanted a baby so they “have fun” or “don’t die alone”. That is what most humans are going through right now.