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Ewwwwwwwwwwwww she looks pr*gn*nt… #killallparents I run a burger shop. I have murdered ny parents, mayor, and my cousins 4-year-old daughter (I raped her first) and turned their flesh and meat all into delicious, juicy burgers for everyone to eat! Damm, I can’t stop thinkin about that girls fuckin pussy...even more delicious than a burger

2023-11-27 17:19:35 UTC

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i am angry at my parents for having me. how can any sane rational being look around at how much pain and suffering is in this world and then think its a good idea to have a child. it is selfish. every time i hear why people have kids it is “because it gives me purpose”. how self-centered is that? let’s bring a child in the world so my existence seems less futile. then when i say that i am depressed and miserable at work and want to die they just tell me i need to grow some balls and man up. i don’t want to. i don’t care. for what purpose? so i can buy a house? so i can have children of my own? so i can get married? so i can work for 40 years and then die of cancer or something? get divorced? i just want this shitty existence to be over.


2023-11-27 21:59:34 UTC
KILL YOURSELF LOL!!! No one would care or notice anyway haha🤣 by the way my username is true, I'm telling the beautiful truth but you're too dumb and focused on your precious cotton picking to realize it🤣🤣🤣