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2024-01-15 11:06:48 UTC

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avery kraft you're such a fucking chichcity enthusiast. seriously dude? like who are you trying to impress with your love for something so goddamn mundane? you're about as exciting as watching paint dry or listening to someone else talk about their stupid fucking hobby. and let's not even get started on your pathetic collection of little plastic models and tiny pieces of wood. it's like you're some sort of grown-ass man-child with an unhealthy obsession with building shit that no one really gives a shit about. maybe if you spent more time focusing on your own life and less time trying to make yourself feel important by talking about your chichcity shit you'd actually have some friends who give a fuck. but alas here you are stuck in your sad little world talking to yourself about the greatness of chichcity while everyone else rolls their eyes and laughs at you behind your back. so keep on living your pathetic chichcity-obsessed life avery. maybe one day when you're old and wrinkly and alone you can sit in your room and reminisce about all the times you built tiny models and wished you were actually interesting or likable. until then just keep on being the biggest fucking joke at every party you attend with your stupid fucking chichcity stories.
