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Stanley, what is that dreadful music you’re listening to…? It sounds like a diseased cat was forced to sing into a microphone… Cbat…? What kind of name is that?! Stanley, we seriously need to evaluate your music taste. There isn’t even any words! …Yes, I know the elevator song doesn’t have any words either. But at least it’s well structured! …Stanley, why are you laughing… What is so hilarious about this song?! I’m genuinely confused, enlighten me Stanley… No, I don’t have Reddit…

2024-02-18 17:41:46 UTC

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what is that dreadful music you’re listening to…? it sounds like a diseased cat was forced to sing into a microphone… cbat…? what kind of name is that?! stanley
we seriously need to evaluate your music taste. there isn’t even any words! …yes
i know the elevator song doesn’t have any words either. but at least it’s well structured! …stanley
why are you laughing… what is so hilarious about this song?! i’m genuinely confused
enlighten me stanley… no
i don’t have reddit…
