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2024-02-28 04:51:54 UTC

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earth pony
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2024-07-15 22:36:19 UTC
safe, idw, imported from derpibooru, kotobukiya, screencap, adagio dazzle, aloe, amethyst star, angel bunny, apple bloom, applejack, aria blaze, arizona cow, autumn blaze, bandage pony, berry punch, berryshine, big macintosh, birch bucket, blackthorn, bloomberg, blossomforth, blues, bon bon, bow hothoof, braeburn, bright mac, brolly, bulk biceps, button mash, caesar, candy mane, capper dapperpaws, captain celaeno, caramel, carrot cake, carrot top, chancellor neighsay, cheerilee, cheese sandwich, cherry jubilee, citrine nectar, clear sky, cloudchaser, cloudy quartz, coco pommel, coloratura, comet tail, compass star, cookie crumbles, copper top, count caesar, cozy glow, crackle, cranky doodle donkey, crystal arrow, crystal beau, cup cake, daring do, daybreaker, derpy hooves, descent, diamond tiara, dinky hooves, dirk thistleweed, discord, dishwater slog, dj pon-3, doctor caballeron, doctor fauna, doctor whooves, donut joe, double diamond, dumbbell, dust devil, fancypants, fashion plate, feather bangs, featherweight, fernando the straw, fido, filthy rich, fire streak, firefly, flam, flash magnus, flash sentry, flax seed, fleetfoot, fleur de verre, fleur-de-lis, flim, flitter, flutterholly, fluttershy, frazzle rock, full steam, funnel web, gabby, gaffer, gallus, garble, gentle breeze, gilda, ginger owlseye, gizmo, glitter drops, gloriosa daisy, golden harvest, golden väs, granny smith, greta, grogar, gummy, gustave le grande, harry, hayseed turnip truck, heath burns, hitch trailblazer, hoity toity, hondo flanks, hoops, igneous rock pie, indigo zap, inky rose, iron will, ivory, ivory rook, izzy moonbow, jasmine leaf, kerfuffle, king grover, king sombra, kiwi lollipop, lemon hearts, lemon zest, li'l cheese, lightning dust, lily blossom, lily lace, limestone pie, little strongheart, lord tirek, lotus blossom, luster dawn, lyra heartstrings, majorette, mane-iac, marble pie, march gustysnows, matilda, maud pie, mayor mare, meadowbrook, mean twilight sparkle, merry, microchips, minty, minuette, mistmane, moondancer, mosely orange, ms. harshwhinny, mudbriar, night glider, night light, nightmare moon, nightmare rarity, nightshade, normal norman, north star, noteworthy, nurse redheart, ocellus, octavia melody, octavio pie, oleander, opalescence, owlowiscious, pacific glow, paprika paca, parish nandermane, party favor, pear butter, peppermint goldylinks, pharynx, photo finish, pinkie pie, pipp petals, pistachio, pixel pizazz, pokey pierce, pom lamb, ponet, posey shy, potion nova, pound cake, prince blueblood, prince rutherford, princess cadance, princess celestia, princess ember, princess flurry heart, princess luna, princess skystar, promontory, pumpkin cake, queen chrysalis, queen novo, quibble pants, ragamuffin (equestria girls), rain shine, rainbow blaze, rainbow dash, rarity, rockhoof, roseluck, rosette nebula, rover, rumble, saffron masala, sandalwood, sandbar, sapphire joy, sapphire shores, sassy saddles, sci-twi, scootaloo, scorpan, screwball, sea swirl, seabreeze, seafoam, shadow lock, sheriff tumbleweed, shining armor, silver script, silver shill, silver spoon, sky beak, sky stinger, skywishes, sludge (dragon), smolder, smooze, snails, snap shutter, snow hope, snowdash, soarin', somnambula, sonata dusk, songbird serenade, sour sweet, sourpuss, sparkler, spike, spirit of hearth's warming past, spirit of hearth's warming presents, spitfire, spoiled rich, spot, spring rain, star hunter, star swirl the bearded, star tracker, stardash, starlight glimmer, starsong, steam gauge, stellar eclipse, steven magnet, storm king, stormbreaker, stormy flare, strawberry sunrise, stygian, sugar belle, sugarcoat, sunburst, sunny flare, sunny starscout, sunny sugarsocks, sunset shimmer, sunshine smiles, supernova zap, suri polomare, surprise, svengallop, sweeten sour, sweetie belle, sweetie drops, tank, tempest shadow, tender taps, tex, thistle whistle, thorax, thunderbass, thunderlane, tianhuo, timber spruce, time turner, toffee, tom, torch song, torque wrench, tree hugger, trenderhoof, trixie, trouble shoes, troubleshoes clyde, twilight sparkle, twilight velvet, twinkleshine, uncle orange, vapor trail, velvet reindeer, vignette valencia, vinyl scratch, violet blurr, wallflower blush, warm front, watermelody, wave chill, whitewash, wind rider, windy whistles, winona, written script, zecora, zephyr breeze, zipp storm, oc, oc:ace play, oc:alex, oc:alexander, oc:andres vargas, oc:barrfind, oc:blue thunder, oc:brew tap, oc:bridle timeout, oc:bubble sparkle, oc:constance everheart, oc:copper plume, oc:dark rainbow, oc:didgeree, oc:dopami korpela, oc:dragon, oc:dreamer, oc:forestar, oc:futashy, oc:harmony star, oc:lemonade candy, oc:littlepip, oc:lucky charm, oc:milky way, oc:night rain, oc:nighty cloud, oc:oliver, oc:raptorshy, oc:roarke, oc:rox, oc:screwingwithsfm, oc:scroll scribe, oc:silverlay, oc:skittle, oc:soul harmony, oc:taralicious, oc:tempest streamrider, oc:turbo swifter, oc:vesairus, oc:white heart, oc:wrong neighborhood repost sparkle, oc:zephyr, alicorn, bat pony, big cat, bird, breezie, changeling, cow, crab, crystal pony, dinosaur, draconequus, dragon, earth pony, giant crab, griffon, leech, leech pony, lich, mermaid, monster pony, mouse, original species, owl, pegasus, pony, robot, seapony (g4), shark, shark pony, siren, spiderpony, tatzlpony, tiger, timber pony, timber wolf, undead, unicorn, velociraptor, windigo, worm, cold blooded twilight, fallout equestria, fanfic:austraeoh, fanfic:rainbow factory, miss pie's monsters, the count of monte rainbow, them's fightin' herds, equestria girls, my little pony: pony life, my little pony: the movie, secrets and pies, testing testing 1-2-3, the last problem, the mean 6, 90s grunge fluttershy, abbé faria, abuse, adagilight, adaginkie, adagity, adorascotch, afro puffs, alexdash, alicorn pentarchy, alicorn six, alicorn tetrarchy, alicorn tetrorgy, alicornified, allegro amoroso, allegroberry, aloedash, aloelight, alternate hairstyle, alternate mane seven, alternate timeline, alumnus shining armor, ambiguous twilight, amethyst shy, amethystdash, amnesia: the dark descent, amnesiashy, andlight, angel, angel rarity, angeldash, angelshy, angeltwi, angry, animal costume, animal crossing, antonymph, apinkalypse pie, apocalypse dash, apocalypse fluttershy, apple, apple family, apple jacks, apple siblings, apple sisters, apple wrench, applebarb (straight), applebat, appleberg, appleberry, appleblitz (straight), applebon, applebot, applebreezie, applebucking, appleburst, applebutt, applecalypsejack, applecest, applecolorenade, applecora, applecord, applecorn, appledance, appledash, appledashfire, appledashlight, appledashpie, appledashshy, applediamond, appledirk, appledog, appledust, applefat, applefire, appleflaritwidashpie, applefreddy, applegar, appleheart, applehoops, applehugger, applejack (male), applejack becoming an apple, applejack bloom, applejack is not amused, applejack mid tree-buck facing the left with 3 apples falling down, applejack mid tree-buck facing the right with 3 apples falling down, applejack mid tree-buck with 3 apples falling down, applejack plushie, applejacked, applejerk, applejewel, applelace, applelestia, applelight, appleling, applelion, applelusive (gay), applemac, applemacbloom, applemel, applepie, applerise, applerity, applesamus, applescotch, applescout, appleshill, appleshimmer, appleshimmermac, appleshine, appleshy, applespike, applespikedash, applespruce, applestone, applesub, appletavia, appletini, appleväs, applewhooves, applezap, applezona, ariadash, ariajack, ariarity, ariashy, arizona (tfh), armor, artempie, artemusk, assault rifle, astrodash, astronaut, athena sparkle, aunt and niece, aura winds, aurablitz, aurora dash, autumberry colorarijack, autumberrywrench colorarijack, autumnjack, autumnpie, autumnrarijack, autumnshy, awesome cutie mark, babity, baby, baby dash, baby pie, babyjack, babylight sparkle, babyshy, badass, ballerina, balloon, balloonbutt, balloonie pie, bandydash, barb, barberry, barberscotch, barbjack, barblitz, barbshine, barity, barlusive, bat ponified, batterscotch, beatnik rarity, bee costume, belle sisters, beret, berrydash, berryjack, berrypie, berryscotch, bestiality, bibliophile, big jackintosh, bimbo, bimbo sparkle, birchity, bisexual, blazedash, blitzike, blitzjack, bloomjack, blossomdash, blossomshy, blosssomforth, bluedash, bluejack, bluepie, blueshy, bonlight, bonpie, book, boulder (g4), boulderdash, bowdash, bowshy, braedash, braedashmac, braejack, braepie, braeshy, bread, breasts, breezie pie, breeziefied, brewdash, briarpie, brightjack, brollyshy, broom, brother and sister, brothers, bubble berry, bubbleblitz, bubbledash, bubblejack, bubblelight, bubbleluna, bubblelusive, bubblepie, bubblepin, bubbleris, bubblerock, bubbleshine, bubbleshy, bubblini davinci berry, buckball fan gear rainbow dash, bucketjack, buffy biceps, bulkdash, busty applejack, busty boy, busty butterscotch, busty fluttershy, busty mane six, busty pie sisters, busty pinkie pie, busty rainbow dash, busty rarity, busty sci-twi, busty twilight sparkle, butt, butterblitz, butterbreaker, butterbuffy, butterbulk, buttercord, butterdash, butterjack, butterlaris, butterlestia, buttermac, butterpie, butterreina, butterscotch, buttershim, buttershine, buttersive, butterspike, buttondash, caballepie, caballershy, cadancepie, cadash, caesardash, cakepie, cakeshy, candylight, canon x oc, canterlot six, capperdash, capperity, capperjack, capperlight, capperpie, cappershy, captain jackbeard, caption, carajack, caralight, caramelunajack, carashy, cardboard twilight, care mare, cargo ship, carrity, carrot cup pie, carrotdash, carrotlight, carrotpie, cartoon physics, celaenodash, celestia's true form, cereal, changeling mane six, changelingified, chaos pinkie, chase (paw patrol), chaselight, checklist, cheeriapplehugger, cheeridash, cheeridashwhinny, cheeriderplight, cheerijack, cheerilight, cheerimacshy, cheeripie, cheerishy, cheerleader, cheerleader sparkle, cheeseberry, cheesecocopie, cheesedash, cheesejack, cheesepie, cheesepiejoe, cheesity, cherryjack, cherrypie, chicken pie, chicken suit, choker, chokershy, chrysadash, chrysajack, chrysalis resistance timeline, chrysappledash, chrysashy, chryssie pie, chubby twilight, citrus heart, citruslight, clarity, cleardash, cleardashpants, clearemberdash, clearjack, clone, clothes, cloudylight, cocoa cantle, cocoarity, cococapperity, cocodash, cocojack, cocopie, cocoshy, cocosparkle, colorarijack, cometity, cometlight, comic, commonity, community related, compasslight, cookie, cookiesparibelle, copperpie, cosplay, costume, cousin incest, cousins, cozity, cozytwi, crab fighting a giant rarity, crankylight, crankypie, crarity, crash bandicoot, crash bandicoot (series), crocs, crossover, crossover shipping, crystal rarity, crystal twilight, crystal war timeline, crystallized, crystaltwi, custom, cute, cuteamena, cyclone shade, daisylight, daisyshy, dan, dan pie, dan vs, danger dash, danglajacks, danglars, daringdash, daringlight, daringshy, dark shine, darkhorse knight, darsh, dashabetes, dashabuse, dashblitz, dashdash, dashdevil, dashfly, dashlestia, dashling, dashmagnus, dashrain, dashsong, dashstar, dashstorm, dashsub, dashtavia, dashwhinny, daydream shimmer, dazzlejack, dazzlepie, dc comics, deadpool, deerified, deerlight sparkle, delicious flat chest, derek, derekjack, derpity, derpyblitz, derpydash, derpyjack, derpypie, derpyshy, descentdash, detective rarity, devil, devil rarity, diamante elegante, diamond duo, diamondlight, diapinkes, dinkydash, dirkpie, discodash, discolight, discopie, discorded twilight, discoshy, discoshylestia, discoshytastic, disguise, doctordash, doctoresshy, doctorpie, doctorshy, doctwi, donutjack, dopadash, dopey hooves, dopeyblitz, dopeydash, doubledash, doubleflutter, doublepinkie, dovahkiin, dovahshy, draconequified, dragojack, dragon ball, dragon ball z, dragonified, dragonjack, dress, drinking straw, drunk, drunk twilight, dumbdash, dumbshy, dusk shade, dusk shield, dusk shine, dusk shining, duskblitz, duskblurr, duskdance, duskdancer, duskdash, duskeris, duskflare, duskglare, duskglimmer, duskhearts, duskjack, dusklestia, duskluna, duskmoon, duskpie, dusksalis, duskshimmer, duskshy, duskspike, dusktan, dusktwi, dynamic dash, earth pony fluttershy, earth pony rainbow dash, earth pony rarity, earth pony twilight, elublitz, elushine, elushy, elusicoco, elusicocoa, elusidash, elusipie, elusive, elusivejack, elusivemac, elusivepants, elusiveskirt, emberdash, emberity, emberjack, emberlight, embershy, emoshy, equestria girls ponified, eris, eriscotch, erishy, everjack, evil pie hater dash, exploitable meme, eyepatch, eyepatch (disguise), fake ears, fake fangs, fake flutterbat, falling, fancijack, fancy skirt, fancydash, fancyshy, fanfic art, fat, father and child, father and daughter, father and son, fattershy, faunashy, featherdash, female, females only, femsub, fidority, fidoshy, filly, filly applejack, filly fluttershy, filly pinkie pie, filly rainbow dash, filly rarity, filly twilight, filly twilight sparkle, filly twilight telling an offensive joke, filthyjack, finn tastic, fireblitz, firedash, firejack, firestorm, five nights at freddy's, flaimity, flamjack, flampie, flamshy, flapplejack, flare warden, flarijack, flaripie, flarity, flashdash, flashimmerpie, flashjack, flashlight, flashlightosh, flashlightshimmer, flashshine, flatchestity, flatjack, flatlight sparkle, flattershy, flaxity, fleetdash, fleetnight, fleur-de-jack, fleurdash, fleuripants, fleurity, fleurlight, flimdash, flimflamjack, flimjack, flimpie, flimshy, flitterdash, flittershy, floating, flucky, flurrylight, flurrypie, flutter can't communicate, flutter de lis, flutterarmor, flutterbadass, flutterbarb, flutterbat, flutterbat costume, flutterbee, flutterbelle, flutterbitch, flutterblitz, flutterbloom, flutterblossom, flutterblush, flutterbon, flutterbot, flutterbreaker, flutterbreez, flutterbreeze, flutterbulk, flutterburst, flutterbuse, flutterbutt, fluttercaramac, fluttercaramacpie, fluttercest, flutterchica, fluttercoat, fluttercorn, fluttercrash, flutterdance, flutterdash, flutterdashlight, flutterdashpie, flutterderpydash, flutterdidge, flutterdoor, flutterdragon, flutterdust, flutterequus, flutterflanks, flutterflash, fluttergoth, flutterheart, flutterhigh, flutterhitch, flutterhope, flutterhugger, flutterjoe, flutterlestia, flutterling, fluttermac, fluttermacburst, fluttermaid, fluttermash, fluttermint shylinks, fluttermom, fluttermoon, flutternona, flutterpet, flutterpie, flutterpunch, flutterpunk, flutterrange, flutterreina, fluttersandwich, flutterscotch, fluttershark, fluttershine, fluttershipper, fluttershores, fluttershy is not amused, fluttershy plushie, fluttersky, fluttersnails, flutterspike, flutterspyro, flutterstar, fluttersub, flutterswirl, fluttertavia, fluttertop, fluttertsun, flutterus, fluttervelvet, flutterwhistles, flutterxander, flutterzap, flutterzoo, fluttgirshy, foal, food, food tf, food transformation, forced meme, forthright filly, foxy dash, freckles, freckleshy, friendship student, fujoshi, fujoshy, funtime pinkie, fusion, futa, futa applejack, futa fluttershy, futa mane six, futa midnight sparkle, futa pinkie pie, futa rainbow dash, futa rarity, futa sci-twi, futa timberjack, futa twilight sparkle, future twilight, g1, g3, g5, gabbity, gabbydash, gaffity, galljack, gallpie, gallushy, gameloft, gamershy, garbarity, garbledash, garbledina, garbleshy, garbshine, gay, gentleshy, giantshy, gilblitz, gilbydash, gildajack, gildapie, gildash, gildashy, gingerlight, gir, gizmodash, gizmolight, gleaming shield, gleaming sparkle, glide, glideblitz, glidedash, glimmerdash, glimmerjack, glimmerpie, glimmershy, glitteraridash, glitterdash, glitterity, glitterjack, glitterlight, glitterpie, glittershadowlight, glittershy, gloriosity, gohan, goku, golden pinkie, grandmother and grandchild, grandmother and granddaughter, granny applejack, grannyjack, greedity, gretarity, griffonized, grilled cheese (r63), grilledberry, grilledpie, groverpie, grumpy, grumpy twilight, guardlight, guilder, guilderblitz, guilderdash, gummypie, gun, gunified, gustave le sparkle, half r63 shipping, hammer, hammerjack, harley quinn, harryshy, harshjack, harshy, hat, hayshy, heartpie, high, hipstershy, hitch and his 2nd heroine, hitch and his heroine, hitchjack, hoitydash, hoityshy, hoopshy, human dusk, human flash sentry x pony twilight, humane five, humane seven, humane six, igneouspie, image macro, impossibly rich, in which pinkie pie forgets how to gravity, inanimate tf, incest, indigodash, indigopie, infidelity, inflation, inkity, inkyjack, inkypie, inspirarity, intersex, interspecies, invader zim, ironbulkshy, irondash, ironshy, isabelle, isashy, islam, islamashy, ivority, izzy and her heroine, izzydash, izzypie, jackabetes, jackabuse, jackbutter, jacket, jackjack, jackletree, jappleack, jasmineshy, kakarotpie, king metamorphosis, kingdom hearts, kinkie pie, kitchen sink, kiwilight, kiwitwinova, komi can't communicate, kotobukiya applejack, kotobukiya fluttershy, kotobukiya pinkie pie, kotobukiya rainbow dash, kotobukiya rarity, kotobukiya twilight sparkle, latina pinkie pie, leech dash, lemondash, lemonlight, lesbian, li'l cheesepie, liam sparkle, liarjack, lightflashlight, limedash, lotusdash, lotuslight, luigi, luigidash, luigishy, lunablitz, lunadash, lunajack, lunapie, lunarity, lunascotch, lunashimmerlight, lunashy, lusterlight, lyraberry, lyrabonpie, lyradash, lyrajack, lyrapie, lyrararararara, lyrashy, lyraty, macareina, macjack, macro, magical quartet, maid, maidjack, male, male six, mama twilight, mane seven, mane six, mane six vaginas, manelight, marbinkie, marbity, marbledash, marbleshy, mare, maridash, mario, mariopie, marishy, marshmallow coco, marshmelodrama, martial artist rarity, marvel, mask, matwilda, mauddash, maudjack, maudshy, mayorjack, mayorlight, mc pinkie, meadowshy, mean twitwi, megaradash, meme, mercedes, mercyshy, mermarity, metashine, metroid, micro, microdash, microjack, microlight, midnight rarilight, midnight sparkle, midnightabetes, midnightdaydream, midtwi, milky sparkle, milkypie, minty (g4), minty (g5), mintypinkie, mintyshy, minuberrydash, minudash, minupie, minurarity, misty and her 2nd heroine, misty and her heroine, misty brightdawn, mondego, monsparkle, moonlightpie, mordecai, mordetwi, moselyjack, mother and child, mother and daughter, mother and son, multeity, muscles, muscleshy, my little pony: magic princess, naked six, nandopie, neighsparkle, night guard, night guard dash, night maid rarity, nightdash, nightjack, nightmare applejack, nightmare applity, nightmare flarity, nightmare fluttershy, nightmare mane six, nightmare night costume, nightmare night rarity, nightmare pinkie, nightmare rainbow dash, nightmare rararararara, nightmare rarijack, nightmare rarilight, nightmare takeover timeline, nightmare twilight, nightmaredash, nightmarejack, nightmarepie, nightmarified, nightrarity, nightydash, normaldash, normalight, normaljack, normalpie, normanshy, normity, northpie, novoshy, nudity, obese, obligatory pony, ocellight, octapie, octavinkie, older, older applejack, older fluttershy, older mane seven, older mane six, older pinkie pie, older rainbow dash, older rarity, older spike, older twilight, older twilight sparkle (alicorn), oleander (tfh), olidash, omniship, opposite fluttershy, orange, orangelight, orangified, ouverity, ouvertis grandioso, overwatch, pacificpie, pants, paprika (tfh), paprikapie, parishity, party trio, partycheesepie, partypie, paw patrol, pegasi nest, pegasus pinkie pie, pegasus rarity, pegasus twilight sparkle, pharynxshy, photoshy, photosurity, pi, pie sisters, pie twins, piecest, piepie, piercie pie, piercing, piggy pie, pink rainbow dash, pinkambula, pinkamel, pinkamena diane pie, pinkamena diane pump, pinkamenacorn, pinker, pinkie being pinkie, pinkie bot, pinkie cat, pinkie clone, pinkie faria, pinkie flat, pinkie loves bacon bits, pinkie physics, pinkie pi, pinkie pie is not amused, pinkie pie plushie, pinkie pie trapped in a balloon, pinkie pie's sign, pinkie puffs, pinkie pump, pinkie pyro, pinkie quinn, pinkie sticks her face into the portal meme, pinkie thighs, pinkiebarb, pinkiebass, pinkiebat, pinkieblitz, pinkiebloom, pinkieburst, pinkiebuse, pinkiecorn, pinkiedancer, pinkiedash, pinkiedragon, pinkiedust, pinkieflower, pinkieford, pinkieheart, pinkiejack, pinkiejoe, pinkielestia, pinkiemac, pinkiemaud, pinkiemint, pinkieminty, pinkiepants, pinkiepin, pinkieplay, pinkiepommel, pinkiepool, pinkiepool (pairing), pinkieprise, pinkiesentry, pinkiesnails, pinkiespike, pinkiesub, pinkietop, pinkieweb, pinkilda, pinkirax, pinklime, pinkling, pinkonequus, pinkora, pinkquartz, pinktails pie, pinkynx, pipdash, pipp and her heroine, pirate dash, piñata, plainity, plushamena, plushie, pokeyberry, pokeycheesepie, pokeydash, pokeypie, polyamory, polygamy, pom (tfh), pomshy, ponk, ponytail, poppy pin, pority, portal, posey pie, poseydash, poseyflutter, possessed, potionsparkle, pound pie, poundlight, preggity, pregnant, prince artemis, prince dusk, prince solaris, princess tsunlight, princess twilight 2.0, prisoner, prisoner aj, prisoner fs, prisoner pp, prisoner rd, prisoner ry, prisoner ts, promontjack, prunity, pruny, pudgy pie, pumpkin pie, pun, punk, punkie pie, puppy pie, purple smart, pyro (tf2), queen twilight sparkle, queen umbra, quibbledash, quibblelight, quibblepie, race swap, raffron, ragajack, ragamuffin (g4), rainblob dash, rainbloom, rainboarke, rainbot dash, rainbow blitz, rainbow breez, rainbow dantes, rainbow dash is best facemaker, rainbow dash is not amused, rainbow dash plushie, rainbow dash turning into an assault rifle, rainbow dazz, rainbow douche, rainbow dragon, rainbow dumb, rainbow factory dash, rainbow fash, rainbow flat, rainbow griffon, rainbow maid, rainbow march, rainbow power, rainbow power twilight sparkle, rainbow rogue, rainbow-less dash, rainbowbarb, rainbowbat, rainbowberg, rainbowburns, rainbowburst, rainbowchaser, rainbowcorn, rainbowdancer, rainbowdirk, rainbowdust, rainbowdustwindy, rainbowflare, rainbowheart, rainbowmac, rainbowshade, rainbowsink, rainbowslog, rainbowspike, rainbowthorn, rainbowtrap, rainbowwishes, rainbowzest, rainbread, rainbuff dash, rainbutt dash, raincest, raincora, rainheart, rainhoops, rainmer, rainmonade, rainsnail, rapidash twilight, rapper pie, raradash, rarajack, rarajackpie, rarapie, rarara, rarararara, rararararara, rarax, rarbreez, rarescence, rariapplepie, rariarmor, raribangs, raribat, raribelle, rariberry, raribetes, raribitch, rariblitz, rariblood, raribloom, raribon, raribot, rariburn, rariburst, raribuse, raricest, rarichaser, raricora, raricord, raricorn, raricow, raricrumbles, rarida, raridance, raridancer, raridash, raridirk, raridog, raridragon, raridust, rarifavor, rarifind, rarifire, rariflam, rariflanks, rariflashjack, rariflim, rariford, rarifort, rarifuffle, rarigallop, rarigleam, rarignetjack, rarignette, rariheart, rarihick, rarihitch, rarihugger, rarijack, rarijackdash, rarijoe, rarilane, rarilee, rarilestia, rarilight, rarilightpie, rariling, rarilis, rariloo, rariluna, rarilusive, rarimac, rarimacjack, rarimane, rarimash, rarimaud, rarimel, rarimouse, rarimuffin, rarimuffingette, rarinet, raripants, rariphoto, raripie, raripierce, raripipp, rariplate, raripunk, raripuss, rarirek, raririch, rarirock, rarisaddles, rariscotch, rariscratch, rariseed, rarishine, rariskirt, rarismooze, rarisnails, rarisnap, rarisonic, rarispoon, rarispot, raristachio, raristocrat, raristone, rarisub, raritavia, rarithorn, raritiara, raritie belle, raritoity, raritom, raritrouble, raritubby, raritwidash, rarity being rarity, rarity fighting a giant crab, rarity is a marshmallow, rarity is not amused, rarity looking at food, rarity plushie, rarity's mermaid dress, rarivelvet, rariwhooves, rariworthy, rarixie, rarizap, rarizipp, rarizmo, rarizona, reading rainboom, rearity, recolor, redraw mordetwi meme, regular show, religion, remane five, rhinestone rarihick, riding, rifle, rigby (regular show), rigbypie, ripped rarity, roboticization, robotwi, rockcon, rockjack, rockshy, rockstar sparkle, role reversal, rose dewitt bukater, rosedash, roselight, rosepie, roseshy, rovarity, roxity, royal guard, rule 63, rumbledash, rumbleshy, sad, saffronpie, saloon dress, saloon pinkie, samurai applejack, sandalshy, sandshy, sapphirejack, sapphity, sassypokeypie, scherzo lesto, scherzoshy, sci-dusk, sci-flash, sci-glitterlight, sci-rarilight, sci-springlight, sci-tempestlight, sci-twi is not amused, sci-twialumshining, sci-twibutt, sci-twicest, sci-twidash, sci-twijack, sci-twilicorn, sci-twinata, sci-twinkie, sci-twishimmer, sci-twishining, sci-twishy, sci-twispike, sci-twitwi, sci-twixie, scitwishimmer, scootablitz, scootadash, scootajack, scootapie, scootashy, scootatwi, scooterblitz, scooteroll, scorlight, screaming armor, screwdash, screwingdash, screwingwithsfm's rainbow dash, scroll, scrolljack, seaponified, seapony applejack, seapony fluttershy, seapony pinkie pie, seapony rainbow dash, seapony rarity, seapony twilight, self paradox, self ponidox, selfcest, sentrity, server pinkie pie, severeshy, shadow six, shadowbolt dash, shadowbolts costume, sham, shamjack, shim, shimjack, shimshamjack, shiningdash, shiningjack, shiningpie, shiningsparkle, shiningtwidash, shipper on deck, shipperity, shipping, shmarity, shoulder angel, shoulder devil, shutterdash, shyabates, shyabetes, shyagio, shycedes, shycora, shylestia, shyshy, siblings, silly, silly pony, silver bell, silverblitz, silverjack, sirendash, sisters, skidash, skydash, skypie, skypieblaze, skyrim, sludge (g4), smolderdash, smolrity, smoozepie, snailsjack, so much flutter, soarburndash, soarinblitz, soarindash, soarindashfire, soarindashjack, soarindashlane, soarinjack, soarinloodash, soarinpie, soarinshy, soarity, soarlight, solarshine, sombradash, sombrajack, sombrapie, sombrarity, sombrascotch, sombrashy, son gohan, son goku, sonashy, sonatadash, sonatajack, songjack, songlight, songsmile, sonic the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog (series), sonicdash, sora, sorashy, soulshy, sourity, sourlight, sourshy, sparember, sparibby, sparibelle, sparico, sparijack, sparity, sparkle sparkle sparkle, sparkleberry, sparkleblaze, species swap, speedycloud, spelusive, spider-man, spidershy, spidertwi, spike gets all the rarities, spike riding twilight, spikejack, spikeshys, spitburndash, spitdash, spitpie, spitshy, spoiledjack, spoiledshy, sprglitemplight, springdash, springdropslight, springity, springjack, springlight, springpie, springshadowlight, springshy, springtrap, spubble, spyro the dragon, spyro the dragon (series), spyrodash, spyropie, spyrority, squiggletail, stallion, star swirl the bearded costume, starity, starlusterlightixie, steamjack, stellar gleam, stellarshine, stellarshy, stormdash, stormlight, straight, strawberity, streamdash, submissive, subverted meme, sugarpie, sugarpink, sugartwi, sunlightpie, sunny and her heroine, sunnypie, sunsarity, sunscitwilestia, sunset glare, sunset twiangle, sunset yells at twilight, sunsetdash, sunsetjack, sunsetpie, sunsetsparkle, sunsetsparklestia, sunshine and rainbows, sunshyne, suntwixie, super mario bros., surilight, suripie, surity, surprisedash, svenpie, sweater, sweatershy, sweatpants, sweeping, sweepsweepsweep, sweetendash, sweetiedash, sweetiejack, sweetiepie, tankdash, tara strong, tarashine, tatzldash, tatzljack, team fortress 2, teenage applejack, teenager, tempestdash, tempestflashlight, tempestjack, tempestlight, tempestlightshimmer, tempestpie, tempestshy, tempity, texjack, text, that magic is yours to give, that magic was not yours to give, that pony sure does love books, that pony sure does love lists, the council of shy ponies, the count of monte cristo, the doctoress, the elder scrolls, the rainbooms, the shy family, then watch her balloons lift her up to the sky, thighlight sparkle, thighs, thistledash, thoraxshy, thunder thighs, thunderdash, thunderjack, thunderpie, thundershy, thundersparkle, tiandash, tianhuo (tfh), timberflashlight, timberity, timberjack, timbershy, timbertwi, tirapple, titanic, toffeejack, toilet paper, toilight paper, too much pink energy is dangerous, toola-roola, tooladash, torchshy, toy, trans fluttershy, transformation, transgender, trapped, tree, treecordshy, treekicker, treelight sparkle, treelightbetes, trenderity, trenderjack, trenettejack, tribal pie, tribalshy, tripplejack, tristan, tristansparkle, trixdash, trixiepie, trixieshy, trixlight starset, trixshine, trouble pie, troubledash, troublejack, troubleshy, troubletwi, tsunderahater dash, tsunderainbow, tsundere, tsunderity, tsunjack, tsunlight sparkle, tumblejack, turbodash, tutu, twerpy, twiabetes, twiara, twiarmordance, twibar, twibarb, twibat, twibeak, twibelle, twibitch sparkle, twiblitz, twiblood, twibloom, twiblurr, twibon, twibook, twibot, twibra, twibreaker, twibucket, twibula, twiburn, twiburst, twibutt, twicest, twichaser, twicheese, twicora, twidance, twidancer, twidash, twidashdancer, twidashpie, twidawn, twidle, twidust, twieris, twiffron, twifinish, twifire, twiflam, twiflare, twiflim, twiflower, twiford, twifuffle, twigar, twigarble, twiger, twiggie, twigian, twiglare, twigleam, twiglider, twiglimmerjack, twihan, twiheart, twihitch, twihugger, twihunter, twijack, twijoe, twiknight, twikonequus, twilane, twilard sparkle, twilarina, twilaris, twilda, twileander, twilencia, twilestia, twiley quinn, twilich sparkle, twilidragon, twilight breezie, twilight crockle, twilight holding food, twilight is a colt coddler, twilight is a foal fiddler, twilight muscle, twilight snapple, twilight sparkle (alicorn), twilight sparkle gets all the mares, twilight sparkle is not amused, twilight sparkle plushie, twilight sparkowl, twilight stealing a cookie, twilight sweeple, twilight the bearded, twiling, twiliscious, twilist, twilithyst, twillus, twilock, twiluna, twilunestia, twilusive, twilybuse, twilynanas, twimac, twimaud, twimaudshy, twimauxie, twimestone, twimony, twimoon, twinambula, twinata, twindy, twinight, twinkie, twinkiespike, twinklelight, twinklesparkle, twinklestia pie, twinkuna, twinova, twins, twinuette, twipants, twiphyr, twipunch, twirax, twirek, twiro, twisalis, twiscotch, twiscout, twiscript, twishimmerglimmer, twishy, twishypie, twishyset, twisludge, twisnails, twisparity, twispember, twispike, twispoon, twistarlight, twistorm, twisub, twiswirl, twitaps, twitavia, twitem, twitemis, twitracker, twitwi, twivory, twiwarden, twiworm, twixflash, twixie, twixiepie, twixity, twixstar, twixyra, twizap, twizazz, twizest, twizuma, twolight, twyra, tyrant sparkle, ultimate twilight, ultrasonic rainboom, ultrasound, umbrascotch, umbrashine, umbrashy, unamused, uncle and niece, unhapplejack, unicorn applejack, unicorn fluttershy, unicorn pinkie pie, unicorn rainbow dash, unicorn sci-twi, unicorn twilight, valejack, vapordash, vaporlight, vaporpie, vaporshy, vaporskyshy, velvet (tfh), velvet sparkle, velvetdash, velvetshy, velvity, verredash, villefort, vinyldash, vinylight, vinyljack, vinylpie, vinylshy, voyeur, voyeur dash, voyeurism, wander (wander over yonder), wander over yonder, warmdash, waterlight, wavedash, we're emo, weapon, when she doesn't smile, whiteshy, who's a silly pony, windash, windydash, windyscootadash, winojack, wrestler, writtendash, xk-class end-of-the-world scenario, yellowquiet, younger, yovidaphone, yovidapie, zecorajack, zephdash, zephity, zephyrjack, zephyrlight, zephyrpie, zephyrshy, zipp and her heroine, zippdash, zuma