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Alright, listen up tumblrtards. I come from the far superior website reddit, and i've noticed that you've been using our meme. The "cbat reddit story" has been a reddit meme since 2022, certainly longer than how long every tumblr trend lasts. Like jesus, i've looked around this website for 5 minutes and already you fake cbaters are using our meme improperly. You reflect poorly on all of the cbaters when you steal our ORIGINAL MEME and turn it into a fucking tumblr thing. I mean jesus crist i just wish you all would shut the fuck up or go to reddit to cbatpost. So fuck you all you tumblrfags, get a life or become a redditor. Like seriously with your fuckin peice of shit memes that wouldn't even be accepted on r/tifu. As a loyal ctard, i think it's my duty to tell all of you tumblrtards off, go kill yourself.

2024-03-24 10:33:50 UTC

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