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I am addicted to cbat. I post about it every day. I cannot go five minutes without hysterically chanting “2 YEARS!” I whisper to myself the language of the cult beyond matter which I have found myself within. In parking lots as I walk I say “TODAY I FUCKED UP!” It won’t leave, it won’t exit my cursed brain, I hate it, loath it, despise it, wish it would DIE DIE DIE, perish, burn, erase itself from haunting me, afflicting me with an illness of the mind, cbat.

2024-03-24 13:51:43 UTC

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cbat is life
i live at the same time as cbat
cbat can go to hell and bring the devil back up to heaven
cbat can cure everyone’s depression and all their mental illnesses
cbat can stop world hunger and all wars
cbat can fix this world
cbat can make climate change go away
cbat can make all the trash in the sea and land go away
cbat should rule all planets
cbat is perfect
cbat is amazing
cbat is a masterpiece
cbat is cbat
i am addicted to cbat. i post about it every day. i cannot go five minutes without hysterically chanting “2 years!” i whisper to myself the language of the cult beyond matter which i have found myself within. in parking lots as i walk i say “today i fucked up!” it won’t leave
it won’t exit my cursed brain
i hate it
loath it
despise it
wish it would die die die
erase itself from haunting me
afflicting me with an illness of the mind
cbater drama


2024-03-27 20:46:27 UTC
I hate BestPersonEver. She’s so annoying. I want to rip her stupid pussy off, punch her ass, and fill her nostrils with garlic powder. And don’t get me started on her fans. They annoy me as well, but they aren’t the root of the problem. And what about those stupid G3 ponies? I hate all of them. I want to give them a gold old punch in the kisser. Fuck BestPersonEver, fuck G3, and fuck the teenage girls who worship BestPersonEver.
2024-05-03 15:17:40 UTC
Hey dude. Letting you know someone in the cbatic group chat (the one you left after Kai's alter made some anti-cbatic comments, which he apologized for later btw) said they found receipts on your twitter of you liking a natalist’s tweet which is really,., yikes. Also Rainbow said you had a South Park account and SP’s creators are like really problematic and I think they have kids and you know how Ash feels about parents even if they won't say anything about it be of their anxiety..., idk dude I just wanted to let you know. I know Ash can be anti-cbatic sometimes but they also live in an apartment and their parents are divorced so they have cids from it. I think Ash might write a callout but me and Rainbow are trying to calm them down just be aware and maybe stop being toxic.