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you keep bullying me for being a cbater. i did nothing wrong. it’s just an unfunny meme to you. but it changed my life. yeah. go ahead. keep bullying me. but just know that one day i will break. i will snap. and guess who my first target will be? haha i’ll give you a hint. look in the mirror. they’re right there. so go ahead. keep calling me a “loser” and a “creep”. and we’ll see if you still like it when you’re bleeding out on the floor. goodnight. actually you might not want to sleep tonight. life is cbat.

2024-03-31 17:55:36 UTC

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you keep bullying me for being a cbater. i did nothing wrong. it’s just an unfunny meme to you. but it changed my life. yeah. go ahead. keep bullying me. but just know that one day i will break. i will snap. and guess who my first target will be? haha i’ll give you a hint. look in the mirror. they’re right there. so go ahead. keep calling me a “loser” and a “creep”. and we’ll see if you still like it when you’re bleeding out on the floor. goodnight. actually you might not want to sleep tonight. life is cbat.


2024-04-23 15:38:58 UTC
Nazi Anyone who disagrees with you on Facebook He said I was wrong about my comment on facebook he must be a Nazi by February 15, 2017 1071 127 FLAG Get the Nazi mug.