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Who the fuck is cbat? I’m so sick of being left out of the joke. Who is this fucker? Is this just one big goof on me? Are they even real? Who the fuck is sea bat? And more importantly, if they are real, why do they have musical sex for two years up their ass? What did this person do to make the entire internet hate them? Did they make an edgy joke? That’s probably it. They probably said “traps are gay” on twitter and hurt your wittle feewings. Seriously who the fuck are they? I get really irritated every time I see a post about them. Just the other day my dad said “cbat reddit two years” and I fucking lost it. My vision went blurry and I said “it’s cbatin time.” I bashed his head in with his lucky 9 iron. He always did love that thing more than me. So reddit, AITA?

2024-04-01 22:17:45 UTC

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who the fuck is cbat? i’m so sick of being left out of the joke. who is this fucker? is this just one big goof on me? are they even real? who the fuck is sea bat? and more importantly
if they are real
why do they have musical sex for two years up their ass? what did this person do to make the entire internet hate them? did they make an edgy joke? that’s probably it. they probably said “traps are gay” on twitter and hurt your wittle feewings. seriously who the fuck are they? i get really irritated every time i see a post about them. just the other day my dad said “cbat reddit two years” and i fucking lost it. my vision went blurry and i said “it’s cbatin time.” i bashed his head in with his lucky 9 iron. he always did love that thing more than me. so reddit
