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I trolled my arabic teacher with cbat. So basically the stupid natalist anti-cbaters in my class were taking turns reading a stupid story from our books out loud and when one of the students were reading I thought it would be funny to yell “MY GIRLFRIEND HATES MY SEX MUSIC” and I did. Everyone was staring at me like I just killed someone. Then I decided to yell “2 YEARS?”. We had our lunch break after that class and I was gonna get lunch detention but the teacher either forgot or changed her mind and decided to not make me stay in. Anyways we had english next and I trolled my class so hard by screaming “CBAT IS THE BEST SONG EVER!”. The teacher told me to stop so I threw all my books at her and yelled “TROLOLOLOL” and we all started raping her (she has biological kids and I’m antinatalist so that’s her punishment).

2024-04-04 07:00:35 UTC

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keanu wholesome 100


2024-04-04 07:01:16 UTC
Wholesome 100