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I can’t stop fucking thinking about the cbat reddit story. Every morning when I wake up and I walk to the fridge to get something to eat, I scream “TODAY I FUCKED UP” at every single thing in the fridge. This has stopped me from leaving my room to eat. Whenever I look at my lap top I scream “2 YEARS” really loudly. It’s been a year since I last left my room. Whenever I try to talk to someone through messages I start texting them the link to the cbat post. I’m going insane. Whenever I see something slightly related to Cbat I have a seizure.

2024-04-04 17:08:16 UTC

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i can’t stop fucking thinking about the cbat reddit story. every morning when i wake up and i walk to the fridge to get something to eat
i scream “today i fucked up” at every single thing in the fridge. this has stopped me from leaving my room to eat. whenever i look at my lap top i scream “2 years” really loudly. it’s been a year since i last left my room. whenever i try to talk to someone through messages i start texting them the link to the cbat post. i’m going insane. whenever i see something slightly related to cbat i have a seizure.


2024-04-04 17:09:40 UTC
Hhahahahahaha 2 years Cbat sex. no. Just shut the fuck up you stupid ctard. Get your ctarded ass back onto where ever you stupid normie cbaters hang out. What are you like 11 or some shit? You fucking virgin. You probably only just discovered the cbat reddit story. You honestly think you're funny, you in your little circle of other stupid virgin fucking comedians, spamming the words "2 years." for upvotes thinking it's all funny and original. I literally can't even look through reddit anymore without having to have a self-diagnosis of the cancer that you fucking idiots drop into my life. In conclusion, go fuck yourself - as well as your stupid fellow normies - you stupid fuck.