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cbatic as tyler life baka YEET 2 YEARS REEEEEEEEEE boi wut da hell ok cboomer sex to cbat LESSS GO CTARDED derp *T pose* MLg bruh boi-. Bruh- boi. 2 years POGGERS- TRIGGER WARNING: ANTI-CBATIC CONTENT- I- le funny door creek REEEEEE SEX TO CBAT FOR TWO YEARS- RAaaaaaaahhhhj le RANDOM- bru- When youre not just a ctard ur l e - e p i c - c b a t e r hewwo - i- what- STILL DRINKING YOUR SALTY TEARS FROM SEPTEMBER 1ST YOU DRATC. REEEEEEEEEE- LE FUNNY DOOR CREAK SOUNDS LIKE CBAT

2024-04-05 21:58:41 UTC

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cbatic as tyler life baka yeet 2 years reeeeeeeeee boi wut da hell ok cboomer sex to cbat lesss go ctarded derp *t pose* mlg bruh boi-. bruh- boi. 2 years poggers- trigger warning: anti-cbatic content- i- le funny door creek reeeeee sex to cbat for two years- raaaaaaaahhhhj le random- bru- when youre not just a ctard ur l e - e p i c - c b a t e r hewwo - i- what- still drinking your salty tears from september 1st you dratc. reeeeeeeeee- le funny door creak sounds like cbat


2024-04-05 22:02:39 UTC
Cbat is life, I live at the same time as Cbat, Cbat can go to hell and bring the devil back up to heaven, Cbat can cure everyone’s depression and all their mental illnesses, Cbat can stop world hunger and all wars, Cbat can fix this world, Cbat can make climate change go away, Cbat can make all the trash in the sea and land go away, Cbat should rule all planets, Cbat is perfect, Cbat is amazing, Cbat is a masterpiece, Cbat is Cbat.