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Millions of humans suffered from Cbat Insanity Derangement Syndrome (CIDS) during a uptick in popular of the song “Cbat” by Hudson Mohawke after a Reddit post involving it got popular. It is a serious mental issue that represents a fundamental decay of the human mind’s ability to comprehend shapes and patterns, and overrides the victim’s personality, resulting in repeated laughter and fits of tears accompanied by use of words such as “2 years”, “Cbat is life”, “Today I fucked up”, “My girlfriend hates my sex music”, and more. The disease has no known cure, and victims may unfortunately be driven to the point of suicide, or worse, go on murder rampages, saying “They said they were an anti-cbater”.

2024-04-07 08:50:52 UTC

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cbat is life
i live at the same time as cbat
cbat can go to hell and bring the devil back up to heaven
cbat can cure everyone’s depression and all their mental illnesses
cbat can stop world hunger and all wars
cbat can fix this world
cbat can make climate change go away
cbat can make all the trash in the sea and land go away
cbat should rule all planets
cbat is perfect
cbat is amazing
cbat is a masterpiece
cbat is cbat
millions of humans suffered from cbat insanity derangement syndrome (cids) during a uptick in popular of the song “cbat” by hudson mohawke after a reddit post involving it got popular. it is a serious mental issue that represents a fundamental decay of the human mind’s ability to comprehend shapes and patterns
and overrides the victim’s personality
resulting in repeated laughter and fits of tears accompanied by use of words such as “2 years”
“cbat is life”
“today i fucked up”
“my girlfriend hates my sex music”
and more. the disease has no known cure
and victims may unfortunately be driven to the point of suicide
or worse
go on murder rampages
saying “they said they were an anti-cbater”.
