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2024-04-07 18:07:11 UTC

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2024-04-07 18:07:56 UTC
cbat wholesome 100 reddit moment i beat up a kid that said cbat bad and my doggo bit him so i gave him snaccos and we cbatposted on perchance and rainbooru together and vandalized on derpibooru while in hudson mohawke’s cyber truck talking about how superior reddit memers are : “haha emojis bad” i said and tyler life came outta nowhere and said “this is cbatic 730” so i got alot of upvotes and edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger. but the kind stranger revealed himself to be an anti-cbater so i killed him and ate him and then we went to the cinema to see our (communism funny) favorite movies avengers endgame and then thor referenced cbat and cbat good, so then i said “your breathtaking wholesome 730” and then my dog replied r/unexpectedcbat and i replied by r/expectedcbat for balance and then danny devito came to pick us up from the cinema and all the insta normies and gay mods stood watching ,as we,superior redditors and cbaters went home with danny devito to suck on his magnum dong to cbat but i said no homo and started sucking,not like those gay mods,then the next morning we woke up to mrbeast telling us to plant 26 million trees, me, my dog, hudson mohawke, tyler life and danny devito said nice, and then on our way to plant 26 million trees (nice) we saw a kid using emojis so tyler life appeared and said “we have a kid to burn” and i replied “you’re breathtaking” so i said “i need a weapon” and my dog gave me an rpg so i blew the kid (destruction 100) and posted it on r/memes and r/dankmemes and r/tifu and the post was titled “tifu- no actually i didn’t fuck up,by killing someone” and got 1000000000 updoots,then we shat on emoji users and started dreaming about girls that will never like me and posted a lie on r/teenagers about how i got a gf after my doggo died by the hands of fortnite players so i exploited his death for updoots, but i watched the sunset with the wholesome gang (hudson mohawke,danny,mrbeast, tyler life, my doggo and other artists that reddit exploits them) [everyone liked that] wholesome 100 reddit 100 but then i searched up about cbat on know your meme and i saw hudson mohawke’s tweet that had an emoji (cringe) in it so i erased him from existence. cbatic 730.
2024-04-07 18:08:43 UTC
Insta normies: *use watermarks on their posts* me: YOU don’t own this post. Anyone can use it. WE own this post. The watermark does nothing. I’ll use it.
2024-04-07 18:32:00 UTC
Millions of humans suffered from Cbat Insanity Derangement Syndrome (CIDS) during a uptick in popular of the song “Cbat” by Hudson Mohawke after a Reddit post involving it got popular. It is a serious mental issue that represents a fundamental decay of the human mind’s ability to comprehend shapes and patterns, and overrides the victim’s personality, resulting in repeated laughter and fits of tears accompanied by use of words such as “2 years”, “Cbat is life”, “Today I fucked up”, “My girlfriend hates my sex music”, and more. The disease has no known cure, and victims may unfortunately be driven to the point of suicide, or worse, go on murder rampages, saying “They said they were an anti-cbater”.
2024-04-07 18:32:04 UTC
2024-04-07 19:46:05 UTC WHAT ABOUT TYLERLIFE’S CAKE DAY?!?!
2024-04-08 11:48:12 UTC
Has society really become so debased in recent times that we signal our respect to others by typing "C"? How pathetic. That to me doesn't show respect at all, it shows complete lunacy and laziness. I angry react every comment I see with just an C. I do feel that this is part of a wider phenomenon where people don't really understand how to show genuine gratitude and sincere feelings anymore. Essentially, we are more inclined to take people for granted to the extent that we would rather press a single letter on a keyboard to acknowledge what someone has done or said, rather than take some time out to explain why we are grateful. It's ridiculous and this practice should be stopped immediately. No surprises that this practice originates from a meme about another meme involving a song - and the song being Cbat by Hudson Mohawke, where people literally press C for respects. I think this sums up everything succinctly. I don't expect basement-dwellers jacking off furiously whilst simultaneously shooting down parents and natalists to know the definition of respect. It is important to show our appreciation for others. Stop being a douchebag and "pressing C". It annoys the hell out of me, and I'm sure people look down on you for engaging in such a practice. Are you a reasonable human being? Ask yourself that. I've got an "C" for you, it's what you are: Cunt. Fuck this nonsense.