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cbatic as tyler life baka YEET 2 YEARS REEEEEEEEEE boi wut da hell ok cboomer sex to cbat LESSS GO CTARDED derp *T pose* MLg bruh boi-. Bruh- boi. 2 years POGGERS- TRIGGER WARNING: ANTI-CBATIC CONTENT- I- le funny door creek REEEEEE SEX TO CBAT FOR TWO YEARS- RAaaaaaaahhhhj le RANDOM- bru- When youre not just a ctard ur l e - e p i c - c b a t e r hewwo - i- what- STILL DRINKING YOUR SALTY TEARS FROM SEPTEMBER 1ST YOU DRATC. REEEEEEEEEE- LE FUNNY DOOR CREAK SOUNDS LIKE CBAT

2024-04-08 21:07:10 UTC

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cbat is life
i live at the same time as cbat
cbat can go to hell and bring the devil back up to heaven
cbat can cure everyone’s depression and all their mental illnesses
cbat can stop world hunger and all wars
cbat can fix this world
cbat can make climate change go away
cbat can make all the trash in the sea and land go away
cbat should rule all planets
cbat is perfect
cbat is amazing
cbat is a masterpiece
cbat is cbat
cbatic as tyler life baka yeet 2 years reeeeeeeeee boi wut da hell ok cboomer sex to cbat lesss go ctarded derp *t pose* mlg bruh boi-. bruh- boi. 2 years poggers- trigger warning: anti-cbatic content- i- le funny door creek reeeeee sex to cbat for two years- raaaaaaaahhhhj le random- bru- when youre not just a ctard ur l e - e p i c - c b a t e r hewwo - i- what- still drinking your salty tears from september 1st you dratc. reeeeeeeeee- le funny door creak sounds like cbat
i ebic trolled my skool and ley gave me stoopid after school detention so basically it was le middle of the class le teacher is explaining something i yell “my girlfriend hates my sex music” (a cbat reference) le teacher gets mad le students stare at me nobody laughed at my funny cjoke everyone hates me le anti-cbatic principal gave me after school detention so i tricked him into eating his parents and licked his salty tears from september 1st


2024-04-08 22:09:34 UTC
Nobody: No one at all: No one on this planet: Not even thanos: Not even Bill Nye the science guy: Not even the KKK: Not even cancer patients: Not even Ugandan knuckles: Not even Steve from Minecraft: Not even Elon Musk: Not even LeBron James: Not even the LeBron James Kid: Not even my left nut: Not even ISIS: Not even Obama: Not even Trump: Not even John Wick: Not even Mike Wazowski: Not even Jahseh Onfroy: Not even Spongebob SquarePants: Not even the Duolingo owl: Not even gekyume's foreskin: Not even lightning McQueen: Not even Playboy Carti: Not even NASA: Not even Ricardo Milos: Not even big chungus: Not even Drake: Not even buzz light-year: Not even Harriet Tubman: Not even Mark Zuckerberg: Not even grumpy cat: Not even Hugh Hefner: Not even Bill Gates: Not even half the population of India: Not even black people: Not even white people: Not even Luigi: Not even Helen Keller: Not even Queen Elizabeth III: Not even God himself: Not a single living organism in the world: British People Having Sex: mmmm yes splendid ah indeed scrumptious carry on good heavens i’m arriving (with cbat playing in the background)
2024-04-08 22:13:42 UTC
I ebic trolled my skool and ley gave me stoopid after school detention so basically it was le middle of the class le teacher is explaining something I yell “my girlfriend hates my sex music” (a cbat reference) le teacher gets mad le students stare at me nobody laughed at my funny cjoke everyone hates me le anti-cbatic principal gave me after school detention so I tricked him into eating his parents and licked his salty tears from September 1st
2024-04-08 23:28:32 UTC
*insert le funy door creek that sounds like cbat*
2024-04-08 23:28:33 UTC
*insert le funy door creek that sounds like cbat*
2024-04-08 23:28:33 UTC
*insert le funy door creek that sounds like cbat*
2024-04-08 23:28:33 UTC
*insert le funy door creek that sounds like cbat*
2024-04-08 23:29:52 UTC
I ebic trolled my skool and ley gave me stoopid after school detention so basically it was le middle of the class le teacher is explaining something I yell “my girlfriend hates my sex music” (a cbat reference) le teacher gets mad le students stare at me nobody laughed at my funny cjoke everyone hates me le anti-cbatic principal gave me after school detention so I tricked him into eating his parents and licked his salty tears from September 1st
2024-04-08 23:29:53 UTC
I ebic trolled my skool and ley gave me stoopid after school detention so basically it was le middle of the class le teacher is explaining something I yell “my girlfriend hates my sex music” (a cbat reference) le teacher gets mad le students stare at me nobody laughed at my funny cjoke everyone hates me le anti-cbatic principal gave me after school detention so I tricked him into eating his parents and licked his salty tears from September 1st
2024-04-08 23:29:55 UTC
I ebic trolled my skool and ley gave me stoopid after school detention so basically it was le middle of the class le teacher is explaining something I yell “my girlfriend hates my sex music” (a cbat reference) le teacher gets mad le students stare at me nobody laughed at my funny cjoke everyone hates me le anti-cbatic principal gave me after school detention so I tricked him into eating his parents and licked his salty tears from September 1st
2024-04-08 23:29:55 UTC
I ebic trolled my skool and ley gave me stoopid after school detention so basically it was le middle of the class le teacher is explaining something I yell “my girlfriend hates my sex music” (a cbat reference) le teacher gets mad le students stare at me nobody laughed at my funny cjoke everyone hates me le anti-cbatic principal gave me after school detention so I tricked him into eating his parents and licked his salty tears from September 1st