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2024-04-09 19:02:08 UTC

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2024-04-09 19:24:06 UTC
2024-04-09 20:42:52 UTC
Today I went back home after murdering multiple children for calling me a ctard. My Mom asked me why my shirt and pants was full of blood. I said because funny And then she remembered I’m a cbater and I always scream “2 YEARS TIFU SEX TO CBAT” at strangers online in my room so she said “Son,you have been doing this for the past 2 years. Please stop.” My reaction was priceless. ”Did you just say 2 YEARS? The CBAT REFERENCE?” She was accusing me of being a ctard! I might have to murder her while she is asleep. Later that night,I stripped my clothes and went naked while crushing through my mom’s bedroom door as she cried “SON PELEASE CALM DOWN“ I cracked open her door and then grabbed the knife that I shoved in my penis to Cbat a few hours ago. She cussed at me saying she wished she never gave Birth to me. Also I hate her for giving birth I’m antinatalist and I also wish I was never born. I said “That was quite not wholesome mom,I guess I will stab you 26 times!’ I stabbed her 26 times because I think it’s quite funny. My neighbour called the cops (ACAAC (all cops are anti-cbaters)) and some cops came to my house and told me to come out of the house or else they would shoot. But I pulled out my cbatifier pistol and shot 6 cops dead. The swat team was here and I screamed “FBI OPEN UP!” as they crash through my front door. I was shot around 730 (nice) times in my body especially my cock and ballS. I can’t have sex anymore, I can’t lose my virginity. Then I went berserk and start saying “2 YEARS” to the cops while having sex with their dead friends. I got shot in the head after and saw blinding light and I saw Hudson Mohawke waiting for me at heaven. Then I followed the light and got to heaven