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Are you Cbat? Because you are love and life!

2024-04-17 20:37:11 UTC

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are you cbat? because you are love and life!
cbater rizz


2024-04-17 21:11:58 UTC
2024-04-17 22:11:11 UTC
Today I was at school (a capitalism place), it was 1st period, Arabic (or as i like to call it LAME period) and I decided to epically troll my class with cbat. While the teacher was writing long ass paragraphs on the board, I yelled “”, which is the link to the cbat reddit story! No one understood. I guess they’re just normies lol. I was so tired of writing that me and my friends suddenly threw all our books at the teacher and she fainted! Then we started doing the secks to cbat (an ebic song) to the teacher! While she was screaming for help all our classmates rushed to help but my friend ignored them, farted in her mouth and made an ebic cbat reference! She yelled “my girlfriend hates my sex music” and kept farting in the teacher’s mouth! It was a wholesome 100 moment! Later we made the teacher tell everyone how much she likes eating my friend’s farts!
2024-04-17 22:11:25 UTC
Today I was at school (a capitalism place), it was 1st period, Arabic (or as i like to call it LAME period) and I decided to epically troll my class with cbat. While the teacher was writing long ass paragraphs on the board, I yelled “”, which is the link to the cbat reddit story! No one understood. I guess they’re just normies lol. I was so tired of writing that me and my friends suddenly threw all our books at the teacher and she fainted! Then we started doing the secks to cbat (an ebic song) to the teacher! While she was screaming for help all our classmates rushed to help but my friend ignored them, farted in her mouth and made an ebic cbat reference! She yelled “my girlfriend hates my sex music” and kept farting in the teacher’s mouth! It was a wholesome 100 moment! Later we made the teacher tell everyone how much she likes eating my friend’s farts!
2024-04-18 11:49:37 UTC
Today I was at school (a capitalism place), it was 1st period, Arabic (or as i like to call it LAME period) and I decided to epically troll my class with cbat. While the teacher was writing long ass paragraphs on the board, I yelled “”, which is the link to the cbat reddit story! No one understood. I guess they’re just normies lol. I was so tired of writing that me and my friends suddenly threw all our books at the teacher and she fainted! Then we started doing the secks to cbat (an ebic song) to the teacher! While she was screaming for help all our classmates rushed to help but my friend ignored them, farted in her mouth and made an ebic cbat reference! She yelled “my girlfriend hates my sex music” and kept farting in the teacher’s mouth! It was a wholesome 100 moment! Later we made the teacher tell everyone how much she likes eating my friend’s farts!
2024-04-18 11:49:37 UTC
Today I was at school (a capitalism place), it was 1st period, Arabic (or as i like to call it LAME period) and I decided to epically troll my class with cbat. While the teacher was writing long ass paragraphs on the board, I yelled “”, which is the link to the cbat reddit story! No one understood. I guess they’re just normies lol. I was so tired of writing that me and my friends suddenly threw all our books at the teacher and she fainted! Then we started doing the secks to cbat (an ebic song) to the teacher! While she was screaming for help all our classmates rushed to help but my friend ignored them, farted in her mouth and made an ebic cbat reference! She yelled “my girlfriend hates my sex music” and kept farting in the teacher’s mouth! It was a wholesome 100 moment! Later we made the teacher tell everyone how much she likes eating my friend’s farts!
2024-04-18 11:49:38 UTC
Today I was at school (a capitalism place), it was 1st period, Arabic (or as i like to call it LAME period) and I decided to epically troll my class with cbat. While the teacher was writing long ass paragraphs on the board, I yelled “”, which is the link to the cbat reddit story! No one understood. I guess they’re just normies lol. I was so tired of writing that me and my friends suddenly threw all our books at the teacher and she fainted! Then we started doing the secks to cbat (an ebic song) to the teacher! While she was screaming for help all our classmates rushed to help but my friend ignored them, farted in her mouth and made an ebic cbat reference! She yelled “my girlfriend hates my sex music” and kept farting in the teacher’s mouth! It was a wholesome 100 moment! Later we made the teacher tell everyone how much she likes eating my friend’s farts!
2024-04-18 11:49:38 UTC
Today I was at school (a capitalism place), it was 1st period, Arabic (or as i like to call it LAME period) and I decided to epically troll my class with cbat. While the teacher was writing long ass paragraphs on the board, I yelled “”, which is the link to the cbat reddit story! No one understood. I guess they’re just normies lol. I was so tired of writing that me and my friends suddenly threw all our books at the teacher and she fainted! Then we started doing the secks to cbat (an ebic song) to the teacher! While she was screaming for help all our classmates rushed to help but my friend ignored them, farted in her mouth and made an ebic cbat reference! She yelled “my girlfriend hates my sex music” and kept farting in the teacher’s mouth! It was a wholesome 100 moment! Later we made the teacher tell everyone how much she likes eating my friend’s farts!