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2024-04-21 14:17:26 UTC

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cbaters are the only minority that still suffers from socially acceptable discrimination. if i called a black guy some derogatory name i’d be absolutely crucified by everyone within a five mile radius. but somehow
it’s totally ok for people to call me a ctard. but lord forbid if i refer to some japanese dude as “big sushi”. i’m not even a “true” cbater and i still put up with this shit. i stand in solidarity with my cbatic brethren. i mean
if i said something like
“oh jesus
that’s so gay”
there’d be a pretty large group of people ready to go to battle
ya know? but something like
“cbat is a bad song” isn’t likely to turn heads.


2024-04-21 14:24:12 UTC
Cbaters are the ONLY minority that still suffers from socially acceptable discrimination. If I called a black guy some derogatory name I’d be absolutely CRUCIFIED by everyone within a five mile radius. But somehow, it’s TOTALLY ok for people to call me a ctard. But LORD FORBID if I refer to some Japanese dude as “big sushi”. I’m not even a “true” cbater and I still put up with this shit. I stand in solidarity with my cbatic brethren. I mean, if I said something like, “oh Jesus, that’s so gay”, there’d be a pretty large group of people ready to go to battle, ya know? But something like, “Cbat is a bad song” isn’t likely to turn heads.
2024-04-21 18:08:02 UTC
Guys I’m in 9th grade and today when the teacher asked me what was 2 x 26 I said it’s 730 and then me and my friends threw all our books at her and started secksing her to cbat! Then we escaped the school and made people in the streets eat our pubic hair (lol) and were rotfloaool also we decided this will be our last day of school and then we’re dropping out because school is capitalism and not related to cbat in any way! Also my parents have a 5 year age gap which is a reference to the cbat reddit story! I was tricked into eating them tho and my tears from September 1 were licked /j it’s a reference to a copypasta but it’s ok that I ate my parents because I hate them for creating me! LOL! Cbat is life
2024-04-21 20:13:48 UTC
2 years? 2 years. I said 2, years, hahahahaha. Why arent you laughing? I just made a reference to the Cbat Reddit story! How can you not laugh at it? Today I fucked up! Guys, this here guy doesnt laugh at my funny Cbat memes! Lets beat him to death! My girlfriend hates my sex music. She didn’t tell me for 2 years making sex now awkward. The Cbat Reddit story in a nutshell hahahaha. What?! Youre still not laughing your ass off? I made SEVERAL funny references to Cbat and YOU STILL ARENT LAUGHING??!!! Bruh. Ya hear that? Wooooooosh. Whats woooosh? Oh, nothing. Just the sound of a joke flying over your head. Whats that? You think im annoying? You’re so anti-cbatic. Hahahaha! Anyway, yea, gotta go fuck my girlfriend with music playing in the background. Hahahaha!
2024-04-21 21:10:35 UTC
AITA for wanting to ban Cbat posts? Every other motherfucking post on this sub has become a shitty Cbat shitpost. Jesus fucking christ try to be more original next time. It wasn't funny the tenth time, let alone after the thousandth time. If I wanted to see some shitty Cbat memes I'd go to r/memes. Please, can we ban Cbat posts? So, AITA?
2024-04-21 21:39:22 UTC