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Who tf would hate the best thing to ever exist?

2024-05-20 11:54:34 UTC

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2024-05-20 13:58:27 UTC
TylerLife has made my life hell. I saw the video on tiktok, before it had 100k likes at least. I thought, hey, that’s funny, and moved on. All of the sudden, everyone is talking about this. I see more videos with this sound. Check the original video. 1 million likes. Okay, it can’t get any worse. Half of my for you page is this song. I cannot escape it. I have blocked it multiple times, but nothing works. I check the post again. Now it has almost 3 million likes. This is crazy. People constantly referencing it. Mutuals reposting videos with the song. And I hate this fucking song. I call my friend. He starts singing it. As I just typed that, he sent me a video of him playing it on guitar. I am going insane, I am losing it, and I blame it all on TylerLife for his stupid reddit post and stupid tiktok. I HATE THIS FUCKING SONG