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2024-06-03 13:21:28 UTC

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2024-06-03 13:38:18 UTC
Girls be like: we hate cbat so we turn anti-cbatic Boys be like: uno reverse! *turns cbatic* Girls: shocked pikachu face Sperm trying to get into eachother: confused 730 Goku: has sex with Wednesday to cbat for 2 years Wednesday: pregnancy 100 Me: I’m antinatalist abort it now
2024-06-03 22:42:46 UTC
Every fucking second, my fucking friend talked about Cbat, every single fucking second. I looked in my friend's room. Everything is just Cbat memes printed and taped to the wall and other stuff. I tried typing his PC, but all the software is just Cbat-related stuff and an image of the Satin Panthers cover instead of the icons. I just realized. EVERYTHING IS JUST CBAT STUFF. My friend posts about Cbat every single fucking hour. At school, he cbattalks all the time. I was so fucking confused. In a hurry, I searched up 'Cbat' in my teacher's PC. There is a famous Reddit story involving Cbat but I’m too lazy to explain it. This is the link to it: I clicked on it, and all the fucking students chanted 'It's Cbatin' time!'. Every student goes bonkers, they threw their fucking tables. Stole the papers and wrote 'Cbat is life'. There was then a fucking crowd protesting #CbatIsLife. When my teacher returned, she noticed the Cbat fiesta and she Cbated. All the students (also me) Cbated too. In the evening, I fucking slept. I sensed a warm smell. I woke up, put my fucking slippers, tip-toeing through the smell, and noticed Cbaters still protesting. He is Cbated. I went bonkers so much, everyone woke up, ran to me, put the Cbat fiesta AGAIN, and this time, the whole fucking planet chanted 'Cbat is life' until the next year. I can't fucking handle Cbat. Everyone fucking likes it. For every. Single. Year.