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2024-06-08 11:25:34 UTC

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ass shit ctard south park caused 9/11 bitch vaccinations mohawke moon landing fake cbat rape nuclear war idiot noob fucked your mom to cbat for two years nazis 26 730 al qaeda motherfucker bitch shit abort all fetuses cbatism democrat right wing left wing chicken wing bat wing tyler life holocaust shit r/tifu cbater awareness free the cbaters of reddit
ha...hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! that's it! i surrender! my sanity can't take this anymore! hahahahahahaha!!! i feel like having sex with someone! i'm not even joking!! i'm feeling really cbaticno no no i'm not cbatic
cbat isn't real...but why is there cum all over my house?!?!?! oh no...i hear moaning from my bedroom...oh god
oh fuck!!! i have to go to my bedroom!!! my roommates being kinda cbatic right now! hahahahahaha!!! the satin panthers cover is painted on my walls in blood...i've been humming cbat to myself for 2 years now...2 years!!! is that a cbat reference?! today i fucked up!!! hahahahaha! kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me


2024-06-08 13:08:45 UTC
I saw a guy in a psych ward BEAT IT TO THE CBAT REDDIT STORY. So, I have been in the psych ward for around a year until when it was break time I saw someone beat it to the CBAT REDDIT STORY, I KID YOU NOT. So I saw this guy and he was beating it furiously saying “tyler can’t stop me now cause he’s dead”. And now, I’m stuck shaking and begging this to stop and that this will straight up our minds on what we would end up becoming if we haven’t came to the psych ward sooner. But thank god I got to go home 1 year early. Because my mom just picked me up and told me that we were having chicken quesadillas for dinner tonight and she wanted me to come back home ( I’m f 17 btw) so then I was discharged from the psych ward after that and I went home with my mom and had some chicken quesadillas and I got to go back in my comfy bed (I hated the psych ward beds) and until then I haven’t told my parents of the situation since, neither of my friends! So it feels good to talk about it here! Thanks for listening! TL:DR: I’m f17 in a psych ward and saw a guy beat it to the Cbat Reddit story, then my mom decided to take me home, then got discharged, then went home and ate chicken quesadillas for dinner and went to sleep in my comfy bed, and hadn’t told anyone since
2024-06-08 13:56:36 UTC
Guys I am in 7th grade and we’re learning inverse operations and I asked the teacher if 26+2 was 730 and she said no but she didn’t know about the epic cbatic prank I pulled! All my friends stood up and said “trolololololol!” It was so funny! Not only that but I took my calculator and threw it at the teacher and she collapsed instantly! I LOLed out loud and pulled down my pants to reveal my erect shaft! Now everyone in the school was jerking off to the rhythm of Cbat (epic song) while ROTFLing all at the same time! My cringe normie teacher watched us and screamed for help but my friend jumped onto her, made an epic Cbat Reddit story reference, and pooped in her mouth! What a funny ctroll! I approached the teacher and took off her pants and underwear as my friend tied her to the floor! I started to do the sex to cbat and it felt really good! My friend thought it would be cool if she peed into her mouth while we sexed the teacher and we both continued sexing her cbatically! I came inside her ass and my friend came in her mouth! After that, everyone else came and shouted "CBTPWR!" And the best part was that everyone's cum was in the shape of the letter "C"! It was an epic class and I even got to leave school early! My unepic mom said that my friend was a bad influence and I'd have to go to a special school! What an anti-cbater! TEECHER RECTTT!
2024-06-09 07:38:50 UTC
Ha...hahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's it! I surrender! My sanity can't take this anymore! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I feel like having sex with someone! I'm not even joking!! I'M FEELING REALLY CBATICNO no no i'm NOT cbatic, Cbat isn't real...but why is there CUM all over my house?!?!?! OH NO...I hear moaning from my bedroom...oh God, oh fuck!!! I have to go to MY BEDROOM!!! My roommates being kinda CBATIC right now! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The Satin Panthers cover is painted on my walls in blood...I've been humming Cbat to myself for 2 years now...2 YEARS!!! IS THAT A CBAT REFERENCE?! TODAY I FUCKED UP!!! HAHAHAHAHA! KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME
2024-06-09 07:38:50 UTC
Ha...hahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's it! I surrender! My sanity can't take this anymore! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I feel like having sex with someone! I'm not even joking!! I'M FEELING REALLY CBATICNO no no i'm NOT cbatic, Cbat isn't real...but why is there CUM all over my house?!?!?! OH NO...I hear moaning from my bedroom...oh God, oh fuck!!! I have to go to MY BEDROOM!!! My roommates being kinda CBATIC right now! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The Satin Panthers cover is painted on my walls in blood...I've been humming Cbat to myself for 2 years now...2 YEARS!!! IS THAT A CBAT REFERENCE?! TODAY I FUCKED UP!!! HAHAHAHAHA! KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME
2024-06-09 07:38:50 UTC
Ha...hahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's it! I surrender! My sanity can't take this anymore! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I feel like having sex with someone! I'm not even joking!! I'M FEELING REALLY CBATICNO no no i'm NOT cbatic, Cbat isn't real...but why is there CUM all over my house?!?!?! OH NO...I hear moaning from my bedroom...oh God, oh fuck!!! I have to go to MY BEDROOM!!! My roommates being kinda CBATIC right now! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The Satin Panthers cover is painted on my walls in blood...I've been humming Cbat to myself for 2 years now...2 YEARS!!! IS THAT A CBAT REFERENCE?! TODAY I FUCKED UP!!! HAHAHAHAHA! KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME
2024-06-09 07:38:51 UTC
Ha...hahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's it! I surrender! My sanity can't take this anymore! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I feel like having sex with someone! I'm not even joking!! I'M FEELING REALLY CBATICNO no no i'm NOT cbatic, Cbat isn't real...but why is there CUM all over my house?!?!?! OH NO...I hear moaning from my bedroom...oh God, oh fuck!!! I have to go to MY BEDROOM!!! My roommates being kinda CBATIC right now! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The Satin Panthers cover is painted on my walls in blood...I've been humming Cbat to myself for 2 years now...2 YEARS!!! IS THAT A CBAT REFERENCE?! TODAY I FUCKED UP!!! HAHAHAHAHA! KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME
2024-06-09 07:59:55 UTC
If the September 1 attack happened on September 1 then did the government do it because it was planned by them to be on September 1 CTARD MOON LANDING FAKE PARKER STONE GOVERNMENT MOHAWKE 9/11 SOUTH PARK CHARACTERS BITING THE CURB vote for trvmp jk Tyler Life for president!!!! CBaT iNSaNiTy 2024 2025 20(26) NICE HAHA GET OUT OF MY HEAD! TIFU / My WHEN THE SONG IS A TURN OFF!!!! AAAA ww1 ww2 (wwyears) WW26 POLITICS POLITICS POLITICS POLITICS! 26 nice bite the curb EW DUMMY IMAGINE LEAVING YOUR WIFE BECAUSE SHE WAS WITH SOMEONE ELSE politics politics politics politics INSERT POLITICS HERE
2024-06-09 07:59:56 UTC
If the September 1 attack happened on September 1 then did the government do it because it was planned by them to be on September 1 CTARD MOON LANDING FAKE PARKER STONE GOVERNMENT MOHAWKE 9/11 SOUTH PARK CHARACTERS BITING THE CURB vote for trvmp jk Tyler Life for president!!!! CBaT iNSaNiTy 2024 2025 20(26) NICE HAHA GET OUT OF MY HEAD! TIFU / My WHEN THE SONG IS A TURN OFF!!!! AAAA ww1 ww2 (wwyears) WW26 POLITICS POLITICS POLITICS POLITICS! 26 nice bite the curb EW DUMMY IMAGINE LEAVING YOUR WIFE BECAUSE SHE WAS WITH SOMEONE ELSE politics politics politics politics INSERT POLITICS HERE
2024-06-09 08:00:02 UTC
If the September 1 attack happened on September 1 then did the government do it because it was planned by them to be on September 1 CTARD MOON LANDING FAKE PARKER STONE GOVERNMENT MOHAWKE 9/11 SOUTH PARK CHARACTERS BITING THE CURB vote for trvmp jk Tyler Life for president!!!! CBaT iNSaNiTy 2024 2025 20(26) NICE HAHA GET OUT OF MY HEAD! TIFU / My WHEN THE SONG IS A TURN OFF!!!! AAAA ww1 ww2 (wwyears) WW26 POLITICS POLITICS POLITICS POLITICS! 26 nice bite the curb EW DUMMY IMAGINE LEAVING YOUR WIFE BECAUSE SHE WAS WITH SOMEONE ELSE politics politics politics politics INSERT POLITICS HERE
2024-06-09 12:36:15 UTC
If the September 1 attack happened on September 1 then did the government do it because it was planned by them to be on September 1 CTARD MOON LANDING FAKE PARKER STONE GOVERNMENT MOHAWKE 9/11 SOUTH PARK CHARACTERS BITING THE CURB vote for trvmp jk Tyler Life for president!!!! CBaT iNSaNiTy 2024 2025 20(26) NICE HAHA GET OUT OF MY HEAD! TIFU / My WHEN THE SONG IS A TURN OFF!!!! AAAA ww1 ww2 (wwyears) WW26 POLITICS POLITICS POLITICS POLITICS! 26 nice bite the curb EW DUMMY IMAGINE LEAVING YOUR WIFE BECAUSE SHE WAS WITH SOMEONE ELSE politics politics politics politics INSERT POLITICS HERE
2024-06-09 18:45:28 UTC
"Life is Cbat"? Are you fucking kidding me? I spent a decent portion of my life writing all of that and your response to me is "Life is Cbat"? Are you so mentally handicapped that the only words you can comprehend is "Life is Cbat" - or are you just some fucking asshole who thinks that with such a short response, he can make a statement about how meaningless what was written was? Well, I'll have you know that what I wrote was NOT meaningless, in fact, I even had my written work proof-read by several professors of literature. Don't believe me? I doubt you would, and your response to this will probably be "Life is Cbat" once again. Do I give a fuck? No, does it look like I give even the slightest fuck about three fucking words? I bet you took the time to type those three words too, I bet you sat there and chuckled to yourself for 20 hearty seconds before pressing "send". You're so fucking pathetic. I'm honestly considering directing you to a psychiatrist, but I'm simply far too nice to do something like that. You, however, will go out of your way to make a fool out of someone by responding to a well-thought-out, intelligent, or humorous statement that probably took longer to write than you can last in bed with a chimpanzee. What do I have to say to you? Absolutely nothing. I couldn't be bothered to respond to such a worthless attempt at a response. Do you want "Life is Cbat" on your gravestone?
2024-06-09 18:45:29 UTC
"Life is Cbat"? Are you fucking kidding me? I spent a decent portion of my life writing all of that and your response to me is "Life is Cbat"? Are you so mentally handicapped that the only words you can comprehend is "Life is Cbat" - or are you just some fucking asshole who thinks that with such a short response, he can make a statement about how meaningless what was written was? Well, I'll have you know that what I wrote was NOT meaningless, in fact, I even had my written work proof-read by several professors of literature. Don't believe me? I doubt you would, and your response to this will probably be "Life is Cbat" once again. Do I give a fuck? No, does it look like I give even the slightest fuck about three fucking words? I bet you took the time to type those three words too, I bet you sat there and chuckled to yourself for 20 hearty seconds before pressing "send". You're so fucking pathetic. I'm honestly considering directing you to a psychiatrist, but I'm simply far too nice to do something like that. You, however, will go out of your way to make a fool out of someone by responding to a well-thought-out, intelligent, or humorous statement that probably took longer to write than you can last in bed with a chimpanzee. What do I have to say to you? Absolutely nothing. I couldn't be bothered to respond to such a worthless attempt at a response. Do you want "Life is Cbat" on your gravestone?
2024-06-09 18:45:31 UTC
"Life is Cbat"? Are you fucking kidding me? I spent a decent portion of my life writing all of that and your response to me is "Life is Cbat"? Are you so mentally handicapped that the only words you can comprehend is "Life is Cbat" - or are you just some fucking asshole who thinks that with such a short response, he can make a statement about how meaningless what was written was? Well, I'll have you know that what I wrote was NOT meaningless, in fact, I even had my written work proof-read by several professors of literature. Don't believe me? I doubt you would, and your response to this will probably be "Life is Cbat" once again. Do I give a fuck? No, does it look like I give even the slightest fuck about three fucking words? I bet you took the time to type those three words too, I bet you sat there and chuckled to yourself for 20 hearty seconds before pressing "send". You're so fucking pathetic. I'm honestly considering directing you to a psychiatrist, but I'm simply far too nice to do something like that. You, however, will go out of your way to make a fool out of someone by responding to a well-thought-out, intelligent, or humorous statement that probably took longer to write than you can last in bed with a chimpanzee. What do I have to say to you? Absolutely nothing. I couldn't be bothered to respond to such a worthless attempt at a response. Do you want "Life is Cbat" on your gravestone?
2024-06-09 18:45:32 UTC
"Life is Cbat"? Are you fucking kidding me? I spent a decent portion of my life writing all of that and your response to me is "Life is Cbat"? Are you so mentally handicapped that the only words you can comprehend is "Life is Cbat" - or are you just some fucking asshole who thinks that with such a short response, he can make a statement about how meaningless what was written was? Well, I'll have you know that what I wrote was NOT meaningless, in fact, I even had my written work proof-read by several professors of literature. Don't believe me? I doubt you would, and your response to this will probably be "Life is Cbat" once again. Do I give a fuck? No, does it look like I give even the slightest fuck about three fucking words? I bet you took the time to type those three words too, I bet you sat there and chuckled to yourself for 20 hearty seconds before pressing "send". You're so fucking pathetic. I'm honestly considering directing you to a psychiatrist, but I'm simply far too nice to do something like that. You, however, will go out of your way to make a fool out of someone by responding to a well-thought-out, intelligent, or humorous statement that probably took longer to write than you can last in bed with a chimpanzee. What do I have to say to you? Absolutely nothing. I couldn't be bothered to respond to such a worthless attempt at a response. Do you want "Life is Cbat" on your gravestone?