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so the other day I was at my dad's funeral (so glad he died lol, 'cause he's a parent) and while this random dude was giving a speech, I looked at my cousin and said "hey, 3 is better than 5!" and she said "okay and? this doesn't have to do with numbers". I could not believe it! She did not get my epic G3 joke! I screamed "HAHAHA! WHY AREN'T YOU LAUGHING YOU KIKE? I MADE A G3 IS BETTER THAN G5 JOKE!!!" everyone looke at me in shock and my aunt was pulling me in the car! we were gonna leave! why? what did I do that was super rude? I kept on screaming "SUNNY is a MARY SUE! IZZY is just a KNOCKOFF PINKIE PIE! THE DRAGONS LOOK CHILDISH AND RETARDED!!!" on the ride home my aunt asked me why I did that and I looked like an immature 5 year old screaming all those things! wow. everyone is so stupid and anti-g3.

2024-03-29 22:42:52 UTC

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so the other day i was at my dad's funeral (so glad he died lol
'cause he's a parent) and while this random dude was giving a speech
i looked at my cousin and said "hey
3 is better than 5!" and she said "okay and? this doesn't have to do with numbers". i could not believe it! she did not get my epic g3 joke! i screamed "hahaha! why aren't you laughing you kike? i made a g3 is better than g5 joke!!!" everyone looke at me in shock and my aunt was pulling me in the car! we were gonna leave! why? what did i do that was super rude? i kept on screaming "sunny is a mary sue! izzy is just a knockoff pinkie pie! the dragons look childish and retarded!!!" on the ride home my aunt asked me why i did that and i looked like an immature 5 year old screaming all those things! wow. everyone is so stupid and anti-g3.


2024-03-29 22:44:48 UTC
2024-03-29 22:47:02 UTC
Yeah YNTA your show your rules